For those in the SF Bay area...

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Fri Mar 16 13:42:19 PDT 2012

well, if money's no object, i suppose it *is* cool.

Just not a good use of money!

I shudder to think of what i spend on track time, cheap hotels, beer, track insurance, tires, brake pads, clutch wear, etc. each year.

Actually, i think i have a good idea.  Its much cheaper than, say, heroin.


On Mar 16, 2012, at 3:56 PM, mxhowes at wrote:

> I was born in Oakland almost 67 years ago, escaped when I was 17 and never looked back. I live about 300 mi North of San Francisco and it still isn't far enough away. The Bay Area is full of the type of people who would rent a car for a grand a day and think it's cool. I wouldn't be seen dead hanging out with these types and I'm sure they would feel the same way about me. It takes all types, I guess I'm not a city slicker. (But if nobody was look'in I sure could get behind the wheel of a R8)
> Jim
> 98 A4 Avant
> 96 Golf
> 84 CRX Si
> 96 GMC 4x4
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