Vincent Gelinas
vrgelinas at
Mon Mar 19 06:58:17 PDT 2012
Check with Chris at Force5. He has a V8 or two he can scavenge from.
On 3/17/2012 18:04, Grant Lenahan wrote:
> Various recyclers? Google may be your friend... trim for old, rare cars can be a challenge.
> Grant
> On Mar 17, 2012, at 4:30 PM, doubldz at wrote:
>> OK boys, we're off on a tangent here, LOL. What I need to know, given the worse case scenario: they can't find the molding when they close tonight, where can I get a replacement piece?
>> As many if you said: A. I should not go to a carwash (unfortunately I live in a community where I cannot wash my car in the street). B. I should not have gone to a FIVE DOLLAR carwash. C. After everything is said and done, I can't even prove I went thru his carwash because I received no receipt.
>> I did go back in a non-challenging manner and that's when he said he would try to find if for me when he closes this afternoon. We exchanged numbers. I just hope to get the piece back. I'll worry about getting it attached again and call this experience: lesson learned.
>> All this because we've been having such lovely warm weather in NJ that earlier this week I went outside with some shammies and a spray bottle of water to clean the brake dust out of every crevice of my wheels - took me almost an hour sitting on the ground. Today I was thinking the car should match, darnit.
>> Dee
>> Sent from The iPhone
>> On Mar 17, 2012, at 3:00 PM, quattro-request at wrote:
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>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. Re: HELP! (Grant Lenahan)
>>> 2. Re: HELP! (Cody Forbes)
>>> 3. Re: Help! (Doyt W. Echelberger)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 13:27:46 -0400
>>> From: Grant Lenahan<glenahan at>
>>> To: doubldz at
>>> Cc: quattro at
>>> Subject: Re: HELP!
>>> Message-ID:<DE5DBADE-1E4A-4D5D-97AB-90BA4BCA451F at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>> have them fix it? They broke it.
>>> Grant
>>> On Mar 17, 2012, at 12:30 PM, doubldz at wrote:
>>>> OMG! I just went thru one of those car washes (where you stay in the car) and now that I'm home, I see that the moulding on the drives side, in front of the door has been ripped off the body. It's hideous! What am I going to do?
>>>> Dee :-(
>>>> 1990 V8q
>>>> Sent from The iPhone
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> quattro mailing list
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 13:10:19 -0400
>>> From: Cody Forbes<cody at>
>>> To: "Danton J.A. Cardoso"<djacardoso at>
>>> Cc: "quattro at"<quattro at>, "doubldz at"
>>> <doubldz at>
>>> Subject: Re: HELP!
>>> Message-ID:<7701DC5F-87D2-473C-B167-472F0D76FD56 at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>> And don't ever use those car washes. There's other damage you can't see too, like the inside edges of your wheels that are torn to bits.
>>> -Cody
>>> (Sent from my phone, if a word doesn't fit blame Siri)
>>> On Mar 17, 2012, at 12:39 PM, "Danton J.A. Cardoso"<djacardoso at> wrote:
>>>> File a complaint with the owner with the wash and bill him for the damages incurred.
>>>> Danton J. A. Cardoso
>>>> On Mar 17, 2012, at 12:30, doubldz at wrote:
>>>>> OMG! I just went thru one of those car washes (where you stay in the car) and now that I'm home, I see that the moulding on the drives side, in front of the door has been ripped off the body. It's hideous! What am I going to do?
>>>>> Dee :-(
>>>>> 1990 V8q
>>>>> Sent from The iPhone
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> quattro mailing list
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>>>> quattro mailing list
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 14:05:03 -0400
>>> From: "Doyt W. Echelberger"<doyt at>
>>> To: quattro at
>>> Subject: Re: Help!
>>> Message-ID:
>>> < at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
>>> Those all sound like good moves.
>>> In case you have automobile insurance, you could check to see if one of the
>>> coverages includes such damage....such as no deductible 'comprehensive.'
>>> Inform your insurance agent of the date, time, place and extent of damage,
>>> and include photos before and after...or at least snap what what it looks
>>> like now. Include a copy of your receipt as evidence that the service happened.
>>> Hopefully you will be able to enlist the leverage of their vast resources
>>> to support you in getting compensation.
>>> Doyt
>>> At 12:30 PM 3/17/2012, you wrote:
>>>> OMG! I just went thru one of those car washes (where you stay in the car)
>>>> and now that I'm home, I see that the moulding on the drives side, in
>>>> front of the door has been ripped off the body. It's hideous! What am I
>>>> going to do?
>>>> Dee :-(
>>>> 1990 V8q
>>>> Sent from The iPhone
>>> ------------------------------
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>>> quattro mailing list
>>> quattro at
>>> End of quattro Digest, Vol 101, Issue 19
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