Audi A8 auto trans fluid question, again.. also f125 switch.

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at
Fri Mar 23 08:47:05 PDT 2012

I have no clue.  Try draining the M1 and putting the Audi fluid in, as 
well as a filter change.  That should make a big difference on its own.  
Changing the f125 is something I need to do, too.

On 3/23/2012 11:32, Nicholas Miller wrote:
> So I checked the fluid and it already had mobil 1 atf in it, I added 3 qts
> it seems it took (used 5qts to do it) and then tried again.  Still limps.
> I then noticed when jacking it up that there was some water dripping out
> from right above the f125\trans area.  Any idea where that's from?  Must be
> the cowl or something... this car has been in a garage a while.
> So I think for sure the f125 is toast but no good way to test other than to
> replace... so that's where I'm at.  Took forever to get this far too.  Work
> was busy this winter.
> Should have time to do the sensor Saturday or else next week I am home in
> april.
> Anhy ideas on that leak\drip?
> On Mar 20, 2012 6:44 PM, "Nicholas Miller"<chance9121 at>  wrote:
>> Haven't had any free time for a while to check on the audi, but I only
>> managed to change the problem so far.
>> I'm working on doing the fluid again and was wondering which fluids people
>> were using again?
>> I can not for the life of me find a local mobil 1 atf source, but I did
>> find a place carrying amsoil.  Would this possibly work?  As well, any
>> fluids in this document possibilities at all?
>> Thanks much.  This car will run in the next month damnit or ill just blah.
>> ~Nick
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