KO3 or KO4 turbo for my A4 (B6)

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 08:53:12 PDT 2012

I'm not too familiar with the B6, but any car on the planet will benefit 
from a better intake and exhaust.  An engine is nothing but a fancy air 
pump, so if more air can be moved more efficiently, you can either get 
more power or more efficiency, depending on how you would like to treat 
the go-pedal :)

If you're looking for a turbo upgrade, I'd do a frankenturbo coupled 
with a good tune, downpipe, and exhaust from AWE tuning.  They're excellent.

On 3/23/2012 11:37, Nicholas Miller wrote:
> I suppose upgrading it can't hurt.  If the larger turbo is more efficient
> you will see lower intake temps from improved thermal efficency when it
> compresses the air,  and usually larger compressor wheels are more
> efficient and produce less heat.
> It will also let the person flashing the ecu program for boost better most
> likely.
> As for a real power increase without supporting mods, its doubtfull to be
> much, I would guess 5 to 15hp in some spots that the new turbo is better at
> than the old one and very little peak, unless the chip increases peak
> boost.
> I would research more the platform and see if it needs a new intake or
> exhaust more to breathe better and at least do an exhaust downpipe and
> catback.  I can't speak specifics to the b6 platform as I don't know it as
> well as the older cars.
> Nick
> On Mar 23, 2012 10:30 AM, "Arthur Marks"<aamarks at cox.net>  wrote:
>> I think the strange random sound coming from my A4 is the turbo going bad
>> (inconsistent grumbling at low acceleration).
>> I don't want to get into too many modifications. Would upsizing the turbo
>> with just a chip tuning be any better or do you have to start changing
>> exhaust, injectors,... to get any benefit from it? I would be doing the
>> work myself so suggestions on where to send the chip would help too.
>> Thanks,
>> --Art
>> A4, (B6) 100k miles
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