KO3 or KO4 turbo for my A4 (B6)

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Fri Mar 23 09:31:47 PDT 2012

There's hardly any additional lag if any with a K04. Every time I see one I say "hey that looks like a turbo only smaller". A K03 is micro, a K04 is hardly any bigger. I dont consider a turbo "small" until you get to GT28. 

I've installed a half dozen of that APR kit in the last year or so and it's a great upgrade. APR doesn't do "franken" anything, only high quality complete solutions that are tuned safer and to a quality level that nobody is is capable of. Nobody else has former Bosch and Siemens ECU engineers on staff.

(Sent from my phone, if a word doesn't fit blame Siri)

On Mar 23, 2012, at 12:25 PM, "Henry A Harper III" <hah at alumni.rice.edu> wrote:

> APR has a B6 K04/chip/injectors kit for $2k ish that is a ~60hp bump (that's
> probably measured with upgraded exhaust which they say is recommended but
> not "required"; kit also offered without injectors but maybe that's assuming
> you already have upgraded injectors?)
> http://www.goapr.com/products/turbo_b6a4_k04.html
> Their dyno graph does not show (through skillfull endpoint selection?) the
> typical "turbo lag" low RPM torque hole that results from bolting on a
> larger turbo.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
>> [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Nicholas Miller
>> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 9:38 AM
>> To: Arthur Marks; quattro at audifans.com
>> Subject: Re: KO3 or KO4 turbo for my A4 (B6)
>> I suppose upgrading it can't hurt.  If the larger turbo is more efficient
>> you will see lower intake temps from improved thermal efficency when it
>> compresses the air,  and usually larger compressor wheels are more
>> efficient and produce less heat.
>> It will also let the person flashing the ecu program for boost better most
>> likely.
>> As for a real power increase without supporting mods, its doubtfull to be
>> much, I would guess 5 to 15hp in some spots that the new turbo is
>> better at
>> than the old one and very little peak, unless the chip increases peak
>> boost.
>> I would research more the platform and see if it needs a new intake or
>> exhaust more to breathe better and at least do an exhaust downpipe and
>> catback.  I can't speak specifics to the b6 platform as I don't know it as
>> well as the older cars.
>> Nick
>> On Mar 23, 2012 10:30 AM, "Arthur Marks" <aamarks at cox.net> wrote:
>>> I think the strange random sound coming from my A4 is the turbo
>> going bad
>>> (inconsistent grumbling at low acceleration).
>>> I don't want to get into too many modifications. Would upsizing
>> the turbo
>>> with just a chip tuning be any better or do you have to start changing
>>> exhaust, injectors,... to get any benefit from it? I would be doing the
>>> work myself so suggestions on where to send the chip would help too.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Art
>>> A4, (B6) 100k miles
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