Head Work -- 94 S4

Al streichea001 at hawaii.rr.com
Fri May 4 02:23:15 PDT 2012

Valve lifters would be my suggestion. Valve guides if you are experiencing 
blue/white smoke after you have idled for a period of time, like when you 
stop for a red light.
I don't know your car/engine but if there is an oil cooler check if there is 
an o-ring somewhere in its construction, like between sections.  Check any 
out of the way parts that may be on the rear of the head. Or other spots 
that aren’t easily seen.
Rebuild the calipers.  Check condition of brake pads.
-----Original Message----- 
From: b1biker at aol.com
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 10:10 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Head Work -- 94 S4

I've got the head off of my S4 and am planning on replacing the water pump 
and timing belt as a matter of course. Are there other components that I 
should also consider replacing while it's apart. The car has about 200,000 
miles and I've owned it for three and one-half years with no significant 
Gary Meier
885KSQ -- 94 S4
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