S-car j-hose House Of Hose rebuild

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at gmail.com
Mon May 14 09:31:12 PDT 2012

Where can I contact this house of hose? I need inexpensive ps lines
for my mkiv.


Sent from my iPhone

On May 14, 2012, at 8:37 AM, Tony Hoffman <auditony at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've used them for several cars, and I never did check for the restrictor.
> However, none of my cars ever made the "whining" noise associated with not
> retaining the restrictor either.
> The swivel fittings on teh ends make instalation a ton easier, especially
> at the rack end. I just unscrew the fitting itself and install it first,
> then the rest of the hose screws onto it. Been more than happy with what
> I've recieved from them over the years.
> HTH,
> Tony
> On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 12:49 AM, <dgraber460 at aol.com> wrote:
>> I just got my hose back after the "rebuild" from the mucho recommended
>> House of Hose.
>> When I initially called them no notify them I would be sending it, I
>> specifically asked if they retain the restrictor in the process. They said
>> "sure!. We do these all the time with the restrictor".
>> What I received appears to be my original ends with fittings welded on and
>> a new portion of hose to attach between with very nicely welded new ends
>> attached. Two more possible leak points and I can not feel a restrictor in
>> the hose (which my original most assuredly had)!
>> NOT at all what I expected!!!
>> I could have had that done 5 miles from my house by Pirtek for $40 less
>> and 1 day turn around. They just would/could not re-use the restrictor, but
>> it would have been ONE hose not 3 pieces!
>> What am I missing here. Not sure I want to install it, and I would like
>> the center portion of my old hose back so that I at the very least still
>> "posess" the much discussed restrictor.
>> Is it in the insulated portion and I can't feel it? Since it was clean I
>> blew through both ends and felt no restrictions whatsoever.
>> Others with experience on this want to chime in with info as to whether
>> this matches others results?
>> TIA
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