
Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at
Fri Nov 2 12:25:55 PDT 2012

> >> The first time I replaced my timing belt it took 27 hours total. Now
> I've
> done it so many times it only takes me 90 minutes to get past the timing
> belt and into the thermostat. Only a few more hours to replace it all.
> <<<<<
> I remember when I did my first TB job on my 97 A4 1.8tqa.? Took me 2 weeks
> at least 'cause I wasn't sure what I was doing.? I've since done about five
> on I4 and V6s.? I've never disconnected the AC lines as shown in the video,
> and after my second TB job, didn't disconnect the trans lines to the rad
> either.? Just placed the radiator with lines connected on top off a
> recycling tub.? Saved some time doing that.
> Once the front end comes off, it's not a bad job after all.? Slow and
> steady for me and I can get it done within a weekend including a trans
> fluid and filter change.? Not the fastest compared to some of you folks out
> there.
> I've never done a TB job on a transverse mounted engine like on a FWD
> car.? Not much room in those.? Wonder how hard it would be compared to
> these Audis.? Knuckle scraping I'm sure.

I've done a few transverse VW's, 2.0 and 1.8T as I'm sure others have.
Not so many things to come off, incl. no need to place the "lock carrier"
in service position. 3-4-hour easy work. Difference is on Mk4 VW a motor
mount has to come off and the engine has to be raised and lifted a bit to
access the crank pulley.
But those cars are not quattro.

> >>>>>>
> For a great overview of what it's like, here is a time sped up video of
> what
> you are getting yourself into:
> He gets to the thermostat at 2:50 mins into the video. It should take you
> MUCH longer! :-)
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Enjoyed the video.? Had forgotten how much stuff really has to come off.

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