Looking for shop referral or VAGCOM in Cortland NY (south of Syracuse)

Eric Huppert ehuppert at hvc.rr.com
Tue Oct 2 18:35:04 PDT 2012

Nephew's car (96 or 97 A4 1.8) is 4 hours away at college and won't start.
Cranks, no fire. Brake light is flashing/beeping which happened in
conjunction with the no start condition. Was sent a video clip, car sounds
like its cranking normally, not fast, slow, etc. 


My brother in-law contacted the school and they recommended several shops.
Looking for a VAG shop that would have a clue! 


Better than that would be a lister with VAGCOM that's local and would be
wiling to take a look!


I did suggest disconnecting the battery for a bit to reset electronics. 


Thanks, Eric

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