2000 A6 2.7T front wheel bearing replacement

TonyEscobedo TonyEscobedo at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 10 09:48:18 PDT 2012

If your knuckle is steel then they're pressed in.. If the knuckle is aluminum, then the bearing bolts on.

On Oct 10, 2012, at 11:38 AM, Dave Fain <kf21857 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am replacing the front wheel bearings on my 2000 A6.  The Bentley manual
> has absolutely nothing on this except a drawing on 02-20 and a statement
> that the bearing is easily replaced by removing bolts from the back side so
> that it is not necessary to even remove the drive axle.  Mine are obviously
> pressed into the bearing housings just like the ones on my old 90Q.  I
> managed to pull the ABS sensors out so I can detach the ball joints and
> remove the housing from the car but I am sort of winging it.  Is my car an
> anomaly or is the Bentley just plain wrong?  Is it going to affect the
> alignment when I detach the lower ball joints?  It's time for new tires and
> alignment but I was hoping to put that off for a month or so.
> thanks,
> Dave
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