300K is nothing for an Audi

Marco Weibel wemaca at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 10:54:26 PDT 2012

The comma for decimal separation must be a case of (mainland)european manufacturers' ignorance of the imperial system.
I used to drive by the VDO plant in the Rhein Valley (Rüthi) Switzerland where they made the clusters for the early 80s VAG lineup.
I remember well telling my dad to slow down to gaze upon the numerous Coupe Quattros and 2 Baby Quattros
(red and dark green) on theyr parking.

Off-topic... those trips usually started at the carpentry where my dad worked in Triesen, Liechtenstein. As my dad fueled our silver Jetta i ran across the street where " Lehmann Tuning " prepped the latest Rally Quattros. 
Lehmann is still there but now preps modern Scoda and Seat Rally cars.
I cherish those memories :) 


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On 2012-09-04, at 11:38 AM, "Peter Elias" <peter at pcelias.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure whether some of the comments about the 300K odometer are now related to the one shown on Wikipedia, or the one I e-mailed.
> In my case, it is not faked, in fact, I have 2 videos on YouTube that show the odometer on my 1990 Audi 100 turning from 299,999 miles to 300,000 miles while driving, and another one that shows the odometer at 310,686 miles (which happens to be 500,000 kilometers).   In all cases I get out after stopping the car to show people it's real, not photoshopped...
> The videos are at http://www.youtube.com/pcelias60 (it should be the 2nd and 3rd videos on the current list).
> My Audi website is at http://audiphilately.webs.com/myaudi.htm (the links to the YouTube videos are at that site as well).
> And for what it's worth, the car now has 324,300+ miles on it.   And yes, I've wondered as well why Audi would use a "comma" instead of the period on the trip odometer...
> Greetings from Texas!
> Peter 
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