Brand of Gasoline

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at
Tue Sep 18 08:41:03 PDT 2012

The higher the concentration of ethanol, the lower your economy becomes.
Ethanol has a much lower energy density than gasoline. I've found that BP
Ultimate runs very well in my car. I used to prefer Irving, but we don't
have any of those in NE Ohio.
On Sep 18, 2012 11:36 AM, "Fay Kelley" <iceisit at> wrote:

> Yes, next time I will use the trip meter and take
> records but there was a noticeable difference.
> I have never been able to drive to PHX and
> back on half a tank and have a couple days
> of gasoline left over ... obviously someone is
> watering their gasoline or something ....
> Fay
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