Brand of Gasoline

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at
Tue Sep 18 14:47:18 PDT 2012

It might be an anomaly with these engines, but I'm not going to complain
lol.  On a good, long highway jaunt, staying around 70, I averaged 37 MPG!


From: Grant Lenahan [mailto:glenahan at] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 5:44 PM
To: Vincent Gelinas
Cc: Louis-Alain Richard; quattro at; Fay Kelley
Subject: Re: Brand of Gasoline


OK, but that is not typical. It means, almost by definition, that those
motors are either knocking with regular, or backing off timing greatly so as
to avoid knocking. Its not correct to extrapolate to most cars.  It is
reasonable to assume that older, poorly maintained cars, which as a result
have carbon deposits, might experience this phenomenon. In that case i would
suggest several treatments of Techron.


there is not "tuning" for premium. The compression ratio can be raised if
you use premium fuel, and this results in better Carnot efficieincy through
a longer expansion cycle. But this is not adjustable. It is determined by
the thrown of the crankshaft.  You can tune for altitude (mixture) but not
for knock resistance, which is the legal definition of octane.





On Sep 18, 2012, at 5:40 PM, Vincent Gelinas wrote:

It's a common thing with the GM 1.8 and 1.4t in the Sonic and Cruze. 

On Sep 18, 2012 5:28 PM, "Grant Lenahan" <glenahan at> wrote:

Sorry, unless you are always under WOT, or your motor is carboned up and
therefore needs premium, i dont believe it.

It does not follow the science

On Sep 18, 2012, at 5:25 PM, Vincent Gelinas wrote:

> I get a good 3-4 MPG better in my car (either that, or more power should I
> choose to drive it that way) by using premium in my 2012 Sonic 1.8 that
> calls for regular.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]
> Behalf Of Grant Lenahan
> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 5:24 PM
> To: Louis-Alain Richard
> Cc: 'Fay Kelley'; quattro at
> Subject: Re: Brand of Gasoline
> Premium vs normal gas would only matter if you were at WOT such that it
> would have to retard spark to avoid detonation on normal gas. Otherwise,
> they would be identical within the accuracy we can measure at th pump.
> Grant
> On Sep 18, 2012, at 4:51 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:
>> Did you fill her up with Premium instead ? I'm quite sure your BWM
>> request Premium but works perfectly well with regular. And the
>> difference in mileage on a car that is calibrated for Premium but gets
> regular is around 10% less.
>> Or it could be the other way around : your usual Chevron Premium is
>> not premium at all...
>> Louis-Alain
>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>> Yes, next time I will use the trip meter and take records but there
>>> was a noticeable difference.
>>> I have never been able to drive to PHX and back on half a tank and
>>> have a couple days of gasoline left over ... obviously someone is
>>> watering their gasoline or something ....
>>> Fay
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