Brand of Gasoline quattro Digest, Vol 107, Issue 30
Cody Forbes
cody at
Mon Sep 24 11:19:15 PDT 2012
Yeah there's some sensationalism in that article for sure. The line that lost my attention was:
"When gas gets hot, it loses energy. That means your car gets fewer miles per gallon."
Gas stations aren't selling gas by the BTU, they are selling it by the gallon. It's not their problem if something causes you get get worse mileage. Hmm the sun evaporates much of the water I use to water my lawn before the grass can absorb it, I should get the city to meter water usage by only the amount that actually gets soaked up!!
-Cody Forbes
On Sep 24, 2012, at 2:00 PM, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> Interesting, but... the fuel is stored underground where the temperature is fairly constant.
> Except after they have taken a fresh delivery from a tanker that is out in the sun, of course.
> On 9/24/2012 12:11 AM, Scott wrote:
>> Pump scams:
>> or temparatures affecting:
>> "By Jeff Rossen and Avni Patel
>> updated 4/17/2012 8:25:44 AM
>> The pain at the gas pump is palpable. Making it worse: Consumer groups say a summertime gas station secret cheats drivers out of billions of dollars. And chains are fighting against changing the rules. TODAY National Investigative Correspondent Jeff Rossen reports.
>> We're all feeling the squeeze from gas prices. But consumer watchdogs like Judy Dugan say many drivers don't even know the half of it.
>> When it's hot outside and the gasoline is warm, she says consumers aren't getting what they're paying for.
>> Have an idea for Rossen Reports? Email us by clicking here
>> "Every time you stick that nozzle in your tank on a hot day you're being cheated," Dugan told TODAY. "It's a huge rip-off of American drivers."
>> When gas gets hot, it loses energy. That means your car gets fewer miles per gallon. Fill it up at 60 degrees and the typical car can go 500 miles. But fill it up when it's 90 degrees and you get 10 miles less out of that same tank.
>> But you're still paying the same amount at the pump.
>> "There's no way that we can tell what kind of value you're getting when we pull into the gas station," Dugan said.
>> According to a 2007 Congressional report, Americans paid an estimated $1.5 billion extra for gas that summer. And gas prices have skyrocketed since.
>> Video: Are you being overcharged at the gas pump? (on this page)
>> A solution exists: Gas pumps with special meters would give you the right amount of gas for your money based on the heat. But stations are fighting against implementing it.
>> "We simply don't agree that the juice is worth the squeeze," said Dan Gilligan, an official from the Petroleum Marketers Association of America. Gilligan said gas stations are already giving consumers the best deal they can, and drivers benefit in cold weather. Installing the new pumps would be too expensive, he said, and we'll wind up paying more anyway.
>> "Putting a $2.4 billion cost on gas station owners would only transfer $2.4 billion to the consumer," Gilligan said.
>> Read more investigative journalism from Rossen Reports
>> In Canada, they've been implementing the technology for nearly two decades. Ninety percent of gas stations use pumps that measure and adjust for temperature. When it's hot, they'll give you more gas for your dollar. Consumer advocates say you get what you pay for there, no matter the weather.
>> American drivers have filed class-action lawsuits against gas station chains in 21 states, calling the practice fraud and hoping to force gas stations to install the high-tech pumps.
>> As part of a legal settlement, Costco agreed to install the new pumps at its gas stations in warm weather states, pending court approval. And now, three of the big oil companies — BP, Shell and ConocoPhillips — are settling too, though the details of the deal are still unclear."
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 16:15:45 -0400
>> From: Robert Cuttler <rcuttler at>
>> To: quattro at
>> Subject: Brand of Gasoline
>> "So much for close enough for government work.
>> I stand and watch the pump every time I pump gasoline.
>> have you seen any that jump around ... I have."
>> Anonymous
>> =========================
>> You are the "government." You should be notifying the appropriate agency
>> so they can check that pump. Where I live the Town dept. of Weights &
>> Measures will respond to information from the public. If you don't get a
>> response where you live go higher up the food chain.
>> Bob
>> Long Island, NY
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