Brand of Gasoline

cobram at cobram at
Mon Sep 24 13:03:02 PDT 2012

Yeah, CBS is on par with NBC, if there's no news, invent it.  I think
most people aren't science minded, and will just accept some of the
ludicrous assertions put forth in that piece.

All municipalities have weights and measures testing, they are not
limited to fuel pumps.  They also test commercial scales, truck counters
etc.  The article makes it sound like there's no one out there doing
this.  It is also incorporated into many compliance agencies, such as
inspectional services, so there isn't a specific entity in every
municipality that deals exclusively with fuel pumps.  The article makes
it sound like the compliance entity mentioned is the only one.

Also, anyone who's actually worked at a fuel station or knows how they
operate, will tell you that they are very well self policed by the brand
holder.  It's in their own self interest to make sure everything is on
the up and up since it's they're name and image on that big sign out
front.  A owner/operator of a service station will lose his lively hood
if caught by the brand holder, they'll pull the name, supply and
everything else that entails.  Most of the time no other large brand will
touch the place after it's been singled out.  

The only thing that PO's me about fuel stations is the residual fuel left
in the communal hose.  If you use premium, you're paying for the regular
the guy before you left in the hose.  That's why the diesel pumps always
have a separate hose, even when they're part connected to a gas pump at
the island.

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

John Larson <john at> writes:
>Scott wrote:
> >   Pump scams:
> >
> >
> >
> > or temparatures affecting:
> >
> > 
> > "By Jeff Rossen and Avni Patel
> >      
> >                  TODAY
> >          
> >          
> >      updated     4/17/2012 8:25:44 AM
> >
> >
> >         
> ......................snip ...............................
> Ahhh, yes.  CBS, the network that brought the scurrilous "factual" 
> report about unintended acceleration, a pack of lies that almost 
> killed 
> Audi in the US, and NBC, the network that brought you the exploding 
> fuel 
> tanks in Chevy pickups, another outright fraudulently "reported" 
> story.  
> I trust them about as far as I can throw them.
> In CA, where I live, the counties affirm the accuracy of weights and 
> measures, and they're all over it on a frequent basis.

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