thanks the the truck advice! [s4 is going on the blocks..]

thejimrose thejimrose at
Thu Apr 4 13:39:22 PDT 2013

you all rock with this stuff. the collective knowledge here never ceases to
amaze.. im now thinking f150! screw it. the tacomas are just CRAZY money..
best i can find are 05-07 with 90-120k miles for 17-19k. that's nearly
TWENTY GRAND? for a fcking mousefur interior? and 100k miles? people really
are nuts! looks like well maintained f150's are well under 15k. looks like
the fx4 setup is worth getting for the rear diff..

in other news my beautiful b5 s4 will be up for sale... hate to see it go
but it's just not a great primary car and i can't have multiple cars living
in the middle of SF. if anyones interested in a 400+ awhp dead reliable
street monster with all the trimmings [porsche bbk, coilovers] and lavish
maintenance hit me up. =)

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:00 PM, <quattro-request at> wrote:

> Send quattro mailing list submissions to
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> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of quattro digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. carfax anyone? (thejimrose)
>    2. RE: NAC! pickup question.. ford/toyota advices needed ( T100
>       (Michael Veglia)
>    3. Small Pickups (Scruggs Family)
>    4. Re: Small Pickups (aaron jongbloedt)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: thejimrose <thejimrose at>
> To: quattro list <quattro at>
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 13:03:37 -0700
> Subject: carfax anyone?
> hit me thx
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michael Veglia <msvphoto at>
> To: "quattro at" <quattro at>
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 13:13:45 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: RE: NAC! pickup question.. ford/toyota advices needed ( T100
> Second on the F150. I prefer the '97-'04 versions, but that ecoboost V6
> isn't too unlike an Audi motor and is very tempting (but I am broke and
> spend all my car dollars on my Audi fleet). I have owned a few pickemups
> over the years. Four Toyotas, three Fords, and one Jeep Comanchee (really,
> it wasn't that bad...better, in fact, than the '85 Toyota it replaced).
> To preface, I do not much care for Japanese vehicles as a general rule
> (hence a quarter century of Audi ownership). I had decent luck with a '78
> Toyota pickup so I bought a new one in 1985. Miserable POS that I went to
> third party arbitration with Toyotas over, won, they appealed, I sold it.
> Took me around 20 years to try another. Got a '92 V6 Toyota extra cab
> around 9 years ago, drove it a couple years, decided it was too small and
> replaced it with a T-100 SR5 which I really loved at first, thought it
> would be the last truck I would ever need. It wasn't exactly a pillar of
> reliability and parts costs made me, an Audi owner, gasp in pain. Then
> there was the sudden engine meltdown with virtually no warning (at ~160k
> miles). Head gasket failed, my wife was driving it, and before she could
> get it shut off it hydrolocked and bent a rod. Of course I didn't discover
> that until I had it all torn down to do heads (both of which were cracked
> beyond repair I might
>  add). Sold it as-is and bought a 2001 F150 with a 4.6 V8 and I could not
> be happier. Best truck I have ever owned by far. Gets very close to the
> same mileage the T100 did, yet blows it away like an RS4 against an accord.
> Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but not as much as you might think.
> Parts costs are vastly lower than the Toy. The 4.6 V8 driveline longevity
> is legendary (ask any cop or taxi fleet manager). There is nothing the T100
> did that the F150 doesn't do better.
> I have no experience with Rangers (other than when I test drove a new one
> years ago I didn't like it much). I have enough experience with Toyotas to
> confidently say I will never own another.
> Good luck in your search!
> Mike Veglia
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Scruggs Family" <gjkzscruggs at>
> To: <quattro at>
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013 14:31:05 -0400
> Subject: Small Pickups
> I have a '98 Ford Ranger XLT with 173k miles on it that I bought used in
> '00
> at 24k..  It was my commuter for about 8 years and has spent a lifetime on
> the D.C. Beltway.  With Bilsteins and low profile Kumhos I could surprise
> much more expensive hardware on the off ramps.  The automatic is a touch
> sluggish to downshift and the 4.0 V6 is willing but thirsty.  The
> serpentine
> accessory belt takes about 30 sec to change but if your alternator should
> seize then it will destroy the belt, stop the water pump and your engine
> may
> overheat, warp the heads and blow the head gaskets.  There is no need to
> speculate how I know this.  I've used synthetics this entire time and it
> uses no oil between changes.
> It has not had a pampered life.  I know that it will repeatedly carry
> 2000lb
> of paving stones and the speed limiter kicks in at about 105mph.  It's
> about
> as sophisticated as a clothespin and about as reliable.  It has not been
> trouble free but troubleshooting has been easy and parts are relatively
> cheap and junkyards have an adequate supply of them.  There are user groups
> out there that are quite willing to help with any problem or modification.
> Now days my truck is semi-retired and used only for trips to the dump and
> Home Depot and for emergency backup.  Knowing what I know I would do it
> again.  YMMV.
> Regards,
> Gross Scruggs
> Annapolis, MD
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "aaron jongbloedt" <jungle at>
> To: quattro at
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 18:14:48 -0500
> Subject: Re: Small Pickups
> IMHO, don't bother w/ the small pickups unless you get a 4cyl.  Most v6
> small trucks get like only 1~2mpg more than a full size why
> bother?
> I got a '95 Dodge 1/2 ton that is mostly used for towing real
> complaints, only failure I have had has been and axle shaft bearing, and
> heater core.  I wouldn't get anything that uses throttle body injection.
> Once every manufacture went from TBI to MPI mileage went up by apx 2mpg,
> hp & tq went up by 20 & 40 respectively.
> I am VERY interested in the Ford Eco boost.  3.5l twin turbo.  people are
> actually getting the claimed 21mpg hwy!  a ford approved cat back exhaust
> gets another 40hp & tq, plus a bit of mileage bump.  towing though,
> because one is always in boost is no better than a v8 n/a gasser.  I
> really wonder how one of these will hold up to 100,000 miles of
> towing....being under boost puts lots of extra strain on turbos,
> bearings, and rods.
> Dodge is about to release a 3.5l diesel turbo 1/2 ton capable of towing
> 10,000lbs, that sound interesting.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: "Scruggs Family"
>   To: quattro at
>   Subject: Small Pickups
>   Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2013 14:31:05 -0400
>   I have a '98 Ford Ranger XLT with 173k miles on it that I bought used
>   in '00
>   at 24k.. It was my commuter for about 8 years and has spent a
>   lifetime on
>   the D.C. Beltway. With Bilsteins and low profile Kumhos I could
>   surprise
>   much more expensive hardware on the off ramps. The automatic is a
>   touch
>   sluggish to downshift and the 4.0 V6 is willing but thirsty. The
>   serpentine
>   accessory belt takes about 30 sec to change but if your alternator
>   should
>   seize then it will destroy the belt, stop the water pump and your
>   engine may
>   overheat, warp the heads and blow the head gaskets. There is no need
>   to
>   speculate how I know this. I've used synthetics this entire time and
>   it
>   uses no oil between changes.
>   It has not had a pampered life. I know that it will repeatedly carry
>   2000lb
>   of paving stones and the speed limiter kicks in at about 105mph. It's
>   about
>   as sophisticated as a clothespin and about as reliable. It has not
>   been
>   trouble free but troubleshooting has been easy and parts are
>   relatively
>   cheap and junkyards have an adequate supply of them. There are user
>   groups
>   out there that are quite willing to help with any problem or
>   modification.
>   Now days my truck is semi-retired and used only for trips to the dump
>   and
>   Home Depot and for emergency backup. Knowing what I know I would do
>   it
>   again. YMMV.
>   Regards,
>   Gross Scruggs
>   Annapolis, MD
>   _______________________________________________
>   quattro mailing list
> ..Aaron "youngblood" Jongbloedt
> -Verus Corporation Systems Engineer
> --Carpe Diem
> Tis better to wear out than it is to rust out.
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