leaving the list

TWFAUST at aol.com TWFAUST at aol.com
Tue Apr 16 07:00:44 PDT 2013

I don't know that I ever left the list, but I have only been a lurker  for 
years.  I was a great fan of the 5KTQs for years. Something happened  when I 
parked my Avant next to a Lincoln Continental and discovered the Lincoln  
was only a few inches longer and only a few hundred pounds heavier. I looked 
it  up and found the Lincoln got better gas mileage (it's "rated" vs. my 
actual).  Then Audi began producing SUV's (a concept I cannot understand). Hard 
to  explain.
I still have an '82 CGT which I fool around with. No English sports  cars, 
but a 16V Sirocco and a just about complete Chevy powered 911 in the  barn. 
I think the Scirocco is sold to a Cambodian guy with an advanced  degree in 
Philosophy, that makes me wonder.
Tom Faust

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