'91 100q stalls when coming to a stop

mboucher70 hotmail.com mboucher70 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 27 10:40:59 PDT 2013

while you've got the ISV off, check the rubber hoses that attach to the ISV. 
They're exposed to enough heat and hydrocarbons to make them develop cracks 
over time.  Other sources of vacuum leaks are a possibility also.

You can test your ISV through the ECU diagnostics...you'll hear the clicking 
of it open/close when you get to its test.  If you take it off the car to 
clean, you could also apply 12V across the terminals for a fraction of a 
second and observe that the sliding valve closes slightly.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Steve B
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 12:18 PM
To: audifans list
Subject: Re: '91 100q stalls when coming to a stop

I think you've got it right to clean out the ISV, if it is sticky it can 
take a while to resume operation after the engine has been running off idle 
for a while.

I'm not familiar with your engine, but I've seen idle air bypass screws on 
some throttle bodies of engines with an ISV.

Steve Buchholz

Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net> wrote:

>My '91 100q stalls when coming to a stop. 210k miles. Starts without a 
>problem. Idle is about 700 and the car shakes a bit at that at rpm.
>1st start in the morning requires excessive cranking.
>No recent work on the car. Fuel filter is new. Original injectors.
>What're your thoughts? I plan to clean the ISV. Any other quick fixes? Is 
>there a way to boost up the idle speed a bit?
>Thank you.
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