
Kneale Brownson kneale at knitknacks.com
Wed Aug 7 08:16:58 PDT 2013

No experience with the Fleabay products.

Just want to point out that Bentley (which I read somewhere recently 
lost its contract to publish VAG materials) produces eBahn stuff.

And, where are you acquiring printed manuals?  They always seemed 
superior to me.

On 8/6/2013 1:38 PM, David Giannandrea wrote:
> I got a 'factory manual' for my F150 from Bishko via Rock Auto. It looked
> like the real thing, delivered on a CD in PDF format. Of course, in this
> format you won't get the factory notices or updates, but at least I had
> enough information to address my tasks.
> I am seeing similar PDF manuals for Audis on eBay. under $10.00!  Anybody
> have experience with them?? At that price I will get one next week and let
> you all know what's inside.
> So we have three players involved in delivering information: 1) VAG -
> creates the information, 2) Bentley Publishing - publishes information, 3)
> eBahn - obsolete software reader.  Can Bentley simply replace eBahn and make
> us all happy...or do I have to start buying printed manuals (same price to
> me, less profit to Bentley) just to avoid eBahn.
> David G.
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