Inquiry about a Audi Quattro 1990 hydraulic fluid reservoir

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Sun Feb 3 10:13:53 PST 2013

You may find one available among us, but you would do much better to call the audi-specialty recyclers (aka junk yards) such as Shokan, Force5, others 9google is your friend in this case)

On Feb 3, 2013, at 12:57 PM, Olli Eloranta wrote:

> As odd as it may sound, I lost the float , normally attached to a stem connecting to the reservoir cap, with a wired connection to the car info system.
> Due to the age and relative rarity of the car, there are spares available. So I am expectantly turning to you, audifans for help. All I actually need is the float with its stem, but I gladly accept the complete reservoir.
> Rgs, Olli
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