
Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Mon Jan 7 08:29:00 PST 2013

The S6 4.2 has a (revised) 60-75k interval, and is very expensive - maybe $1800-2000 at a good indie.
The chain requires no maint.
There are some issues like a plastic cooling pipe that is about $30, but requires huge labor to get at if it cracks - not sure if that's on the newer 4.2.
Overall a very solid motor.

I agree the S4 will likely be less trouble. But its also thirsty ($$) and far less practical.

I guess i'd need to think about how i planned to use the car. I have decided over time that i only want two kinds of vehicles:

- light sports cars
- practical, but fun, cars

So i have a boxster and a wagon.  A fast wagon.

Note: my S6 gets about 14 mpg / town; 18 highway. Awful. S4 will be better, but how much?


On Jan 7, 2013, at 9:23 AM, Vincent Gelinas wrote:

> Grant,
> Happy new year, too! Thanks for getting back so soon.
> What minor issues does the 4.2 have? Does the timing belt have the same high mileage guide issues as the chain?
> I won't be driving dirt roads much for too much longer; another month or two till I move to a paved part of town with decent Internet!
> Assuming no prior history on either vehicle (as is common when buying as-is from someone other than the PO), which would you recommend?
> Thanks,
> V
> On Jan 7, 2013 9:16 AM, "Grant Lenahan" <glenahan at> wrote:
> Hello, and HNY,
> I've had both motors. Both are durable,  The 2.7 has two issues:
> 1. niggly plumbing issues
> 2. the turbos themselves
> The turbos are fine if you - and the PO - maintain them. They are less of an issue in the A6 chassis than int he B5 S4, where the enclosed area caused heat issues.
> Check the turbos.  Obviously check on TB.
> My concern on the Allroad is the air suspension. I don't know the figures, but at worst you replace it with metal. Maybe $2k at some point.
> I now have an S6 (4.2, but with timing belt, not chain). Its  a great motor but thirsty and has its own minor issues.
> For someone who drives dirt roads, and if you want to carry stuff, i'd consider the Allroad strongly.
> Incidentally, the TIPs are not that bad if you use them within their torque limits and service them every 50k.
> Grant
> On Jan 7, 2013, at 9:10 AM, Vincent Gelinas wrote:
> > Hi, all!
> >
> > It's been a while since I last wrote asking a question; I figured I was
> > overdue to bug everyone.
> >
> > My 2012 Chevy Sonic by the name of Pepper was totalled on Christmas day by
> > the only large rock to stick out of the ditch on my dirt road. Blame the
> > ice (I almost had her out of the skid, too!).
> >
> > Since I miss my Audis, I'm going to get something from Chris down at
> > Force5. I have two options since I'm not messing with another Tiptronic
> > after my A8q.
> >
> > Choice one: 2002 Allroad, 6M 2.7tt. Choice two: 2004 S4, 6M 4.2 40v.
> >
> > I'm leaning toward the S4 even though I may lose some fuel economy and
> > practicality simply because I've heard nightmare stories about the biturbo
> > and the air suspension. The 40v, I hear, is a pretty robust and beastly
> > engine.
> >
> > Any BTDT? Stories going either way would be much appreciated.
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Vincent
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