Dan DiBiase
d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 12 12:03:33 PST 2013
I've been dealing with a bit of a leak from somewhere under the hood for a while. No drippage on the driveway, but
whenever I would stop short, or stop facing downhill, I could smell a little 'burning' smell. My assumption has been that
I had a leaky valve cover gasket, and I was getting a slight drip onto the cat. However, the smell has been getting a
bit more frequent, and instead of waiting another 200 miles or so for my oil change to have the shop check it out, I
spent some time poking around after parking my car facing downhill in my driveway. Here is what I found -
I think it's coolant, as it 'smells' that way up close, but I can't really trace the line. There is a metal fitting that is pretty
corroded, in between 2 sections of line that has black ribbed 'cladding' on it. It appears to come from under the turbo,
into this fitting (which is on the passenger's side of the engine - 1.8T) and then around behind the block, at a level that
is about half-way down the block vertically. It doesn't run directly into the coolant overflow tank - everything coming out
of there is an actual rubber hose. Once the engine cools off I will try to trace it a little more.
Any idea what this line is? Looks like one of those $50 parts that requires 4 hours of labor :-(
Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA
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