dead cats

Joshua Van Tol josh at
Wed Jan 30 13:44:32 PST 2013

You might not get caught, but it's definitely illegal to modify the car in
this fashion.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Mike Arman <Armanmik at> wrote:

> Question - on a 1990 car, do we even NEED the catalytic converters? These
> things are way out of warranty, and greatly exceed the federally mandated 5
> year/50,000 mile "gotta meet emissions" rules.
> If your state doesn't do an emissions test, you'd be legal with plain old
> exhaust tubing as a replacement, with a bung welded on for the oxygen
> sensor.
> There are so few 1990 V8Qs still running around that if every one of them
> removed the cats, it wouldn't make a measurable difference in air quality.
> (I know, I know, no single raindrop thinks it is responsible for the
> deluge.)
> Please withhold my name by request, I have to go pull the wings off
> kittens or something equally politically incorrect, and prefer not to be
> disturbed.
> Best Regards
> I wasn't here, this conversation never took place.
> 90V8Q
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