'91 100q 5 injectors replaced - now car wont start

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 08:13:42 PDT 2013

At least around here, the older pts are the ones keeping the doctors in
business, not slowly draining their accounts. :P
On Jul 3, 2013 2:43 PM, "Huw Powell" <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:

>  3.) Last but not least (this is the one that happened to me) the hydraulic
>> lifters could have bled down. This will result in the valves not opening.
>> When this happened to me, the car sat for a month with the nose up.
> I have to add, I had been blithely thinking, and probably saying, that
> that couldn't be the problem.
> But of course it could - if the intake valves are not opening or barely
> opening, there will be little or nothing to "compress".
> - Huw
> PS, I lost in the mists of time, who did the injector replacement? Owner
> or mechanic?  I got the impression it was the owner but I am beginning to
> suspect I am wrong.
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