'91 100q 5 injectors replaced - now car wont start

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 14:17:59 PDT 2013

When I let my V8 sit for a couple years while I did a timing belt. It
sounded really wrong when I started cranking it for the first start. It
sounded like there was no  compression like I messed up the timing or
something. I just kept on cranking and it eventually started to fire a bit.
I figured at the time that it was just building fuel pressure up. It may
have also been building oil pressure and getting the rings lubricated so
they could seal and build compression. Whatever. Nevertheless, we just kept
at it and it finally started. This sounded a lot like that at the beginning
of this thread, but then things started getting all specific and whatnot.
Now that you're saying it seemed like it was trying to start, I'm thinking
just keep at it. Hook it up to a jumpstart box or another car or something,
but keep cranking it. You can watch the oil pressure on the gauge.  The
fuel components may need some exercise to build pressure if stuff dried out
a bit. It sound like it wants to run. Nothing about what you've done would
indicate there's anything majorly damaged.
On Jul 6, 2013 2:43 PM, "TonyEscobedo" <TonyEscobedo at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Check that fuel pump yet??
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net> wrote:
> > Bought new plugs, changed the oil and followed the protocol below
> without success.
> >
> > I will be putting the 100q up on Audi fans for parts. I just don't have
> the time to devote to it anymore.
> >
> > Thank you everyone.
> >
> >
> > Begin forwarded message:
> >
> >> From: "John Cody Forbes" <cody at 5000tq.com>
> >> Date: July 5, 2013, 9:52:34 PM EDT
> >> To: "Christopher Gharibo" <cgharibo at usa.net>, "Grant Lenahan" <
> glenahan at vfemail.net>
> >> Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
> >> Subject: Re: '91 100q 5 injectors replaced - now car wont start
> >>
> >> At this point I wouldn't worry about putting oil down the plug holes.
> If you can just get it to fire and run for 30 seconds the cylinders will be
> plenty oiled. I wouldn't expect an inexperienced person to have much luck
> getting the oil in the right place to be honest.
> >>
> >> If you want to try anyways I would say roughly an ounce (roughly a
> large-mouth bottle's cap full) in each cylinder. You'll want to pour it in
> with a tube of some sort (drinking straw maybe, an oiling can would be best
> if you have one) to get the oil on the walls of the cylinder, not on top of
> the piston where will just pool. LEAVE THE SPARK PLUGS OUT after pouring in
> the oil and spin the engine with the starter for ~10 seconds to be certain
> that any excess oil has a place to escape.
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> > quattro mailing list
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