1990 80 G54 rear emergency brake mechanism

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sun Jul 14 06:45:11 PDT 2013

The calipers are notorious for this. The only real fix is rebuilding or replacing them. I did my first set (after just not using the parking brake for 10 years lol) earlier this year. Not too bad of a job, but for a first timer you should plan on it being an all day affair. 

The problem is that the seal under the lever where the cable attaches is bad and moisture gets in and rusts the innards. Somehow the bad seal keeps lubricant out very well; I've never had any success lubing a sticky caliper.

Rebuild kits come from Big Red in the UK. For me shipping was free, not sure if that applies to remote islands ;-). http://biggred.co.uk/

I used a guide that I found on one of the urS forums via google. My 5000 caliper was slightly different, but close enough.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On Jul 14, 2013, at 3:25 AM, "Al" <streichea001 at hawaii.rr.com> wrote:

> Hi guys/gals,
> I have noticed that one of my rotors on the rear is not shiny, at least not a shiny as the other side. I use the parking/emerg handle when I park the car. I lay behind the rear wheels and watched the parking brake being activated. One moved a lot the other very little and when released the good one opened or unclamped quickly, not the other. 
> I have looked in the Bentley but nothing about that section of the caliper. 
> Is there a way to grease or lube the pin that goes into that parking brake assy?  Is there a bearing involved?
> Any BTDT or directions to a manual?
> Regards,
> Al
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