Airbag light comes on and stays on for...

Steve B urq at
Wed Jul 31 08:09:28 PDT 2013

It usually means the energy storage device in the airbag controller is going bad.  As long as the light is off the airbag will function when triggered.

Steve Buchholz

al <streichea001 at> wrote:

>When I start the car the airbag light comes on and goes off within 5-10 sec.  Today the light stayed on for approximately 30 sec and went out as I was driving down the road. It repeated this twice more, each time I started. 
>I don’t have the fancy on-board diagnostics. 
>I know the bag is at least 10 yrs old. Do I need to buy a new bag or send one of its components to someone to reset it?
>The bag was not activated or minor bumps to bumper, I think.
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