'91 Coupe Quattro headlights out

wadd-wadd at usa.net wadd-wadd at usa.net
Sun Mar 3 14:58:06 PST 2013

It was a bad ground. Nice and bright again. 

Thank you!

------ Original Message ------
Received: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 07:48:07 AM EST
From: Mark Rosenkrantz <speedracer.mark at gmail.com>
To: "wadd-wadd at usa.net" <wadd-wadd at usa.net>Cc: "<quattro at audifans.com>"
<quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: '91 Coupe Quattro headlights out

> You must mean "including" ground, correct?  If so, disconnect the socket
from the bulb and recheck.  You most likely have a bad ground.  Next would be
corroded wire, next relay.  Why are you getting +12V and the bulbs not
working?  Because a multimeter is very sensitive, but without sufficient
current available, the bulbs won't illuminate fully.  Old VW wiring (like the
fusible links) was famous for having corrosion up inside the wiring-moisture
would literally wick up the wire since the jacket was not bonded to the wire
> Mark Rosenkrantz
> Typos sent from my iPad
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 12:44 AM, wadd-wadd at usa.net wrote:
> > The headlights of my CQ do not come on. I have been running relayed
> > harness with euro lights for 20 years. 
> > 
> > When I check the voltage at the 3 wires that go to the H4 bulb, I am
> > 12V at all wires injuring ground. I am baffled. What's causing this, the
> > headlight switch?
> > 
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