4kq clutch & Spokane Shops

Michael McLaughlin mcloffs at mac.com
Tue Mar 19 12:10:07 PDT 2013

I live in Spokane and have used European AutoHaus a number of times on two Audis, a VW Passat and a M-B 300E. Their prices aren't cheap but are reasonable, and they really know their stuff. If they worked on Mazdas I'd still be taking cars there (we sold our last German car last fall).


-Mike McLaughlin in Spokane, Wash.

> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 07:52:07 -0700
> From: Nathan Ray <skimaster77 at msn.com>
> To: "quattro at audifans.com" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: 4kq clutch & Spokane Shops
> Message-ID: <BLU174-W3604C5DB9C24344CCD6A3AA8E90 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Greetings Q-listers,
> It appears that the original clutch on my trusty old 4kq has finally died. The release/throwout bearing started to get noisy a couple weeks ago and has gotten progressively worse; any pressure on the clutch pedal at all causes the low rumbing sound of the bearing internals getting ground up.
> I normally do all the repair work on this myself, but I'm a little concerned with how I'll be able to reinstall the transmission supporting it only with a floor jack. I looked up the shop that I've gotten help from in that past that was owned by a Quattro guru but it looks like he has sold out and retired. So, I'm looking for help with 3 things:
> 1. Any BTDT suggestions on at-home transmission reinstall. I'm not sure how to balance the gearbox properly without spending hours making a cradle for it. 
> 2. Any suggestions on an affordable mechanic in the Spokane, WA area that is well versed with old quattros. 
> 3. I presume that I should also replace the guide sleve for the throwout bearing and the pilot bearing as well. Any other items that I should be replacing? What size bolts are used to attach the pressure plate to the flywheel? I like to replace bolts whenever possible and It's easiest to get them on a week day before I start the job on a weekend. 
> Thanks,
> Nate Ray

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