
Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Tue May 28 15:38:39 PDT 2013

Steve, not sure if you have any service history with the car, but the issue was caused by 1) a smaller oil filter used than optimal and
2) Audi's recommended oil change interval of 10k miles. If the PO was diligent about oil changes at, say, 5k miles and switched to the
larger, 4.5 quart filter, you may be ok. I believe that you can see the effects of sludging by looking inside the oil filler - there shouldn't be 
any varnish-type substance on the bottom of the cap or the insides - should be realtively clean. I don't know how else you couldd tell 
without taking the engine apart.

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

 From: Steve B <urq at>
To: Qlist <quattro at> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:14 PM
Subject: Sludge

We're looking for another car, and the early 2000's A4 looks like a fit.  It seems that one of the major issues with these cars is the sludge problem with the 1.8T.  Is there a good way to know whether or not a particular car may be subject to a problem with sludge?  I'm looking at a 2002 model if that makes a difference.

Steve Buchholz
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