NAC How to Remove "Glass Chalk" from Painted Surface

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Mon Oct 28 12:26:20 PDT 2013

Careful. You can't see if you are taking up clear coat until too late

Be gentle

Sent from my phone -- please forgive my typos!

On Oct 28, 2013, at 12:14 PM, thejimrose <thejimrose at> wrote:

> +1 for wd40. if that doesnt work try rubbing alcohol, maybe brake cleaner?
> as a last resort get some mineral spirits or acetone. on a  rag and be
> gentle. be careful to test anything harsh on a not visible spot to make
> sure youre not taking up paint [like under the hood]. ive also had great
> luck w/ mcguiars 'scratch-x' - its a fine polishing compound in a tube.
> it's a magic eraser for marks and paint rubs.
> use a white rag so you can see if you're taking up paint.
> IME wd40 is incredible as a solvent. it's super mild on paint but will
> dissolve just about any type of gook. it's the only thing i use on
> motorcycle chains - it melts chain lube grime but its harmless to paint.
> and before the 'omg wd40 is a solvent... dont use on paint..' or 'wd40 will
> coat metal and keep lubes from penetrating.. dont use on chains..' -
> horseshit. ive been using it for 15 years and my bikes sparkle and i get
> 15k+ miles out of a chain + sprocket set.
> mountain and road bikes too.. i degrease w/ wd40 since it's gentle to
> paint, carbon, etc. then wash / rinse off the wd with simple green, dry
> then lube. has served me very well.
> wow.. way off topic.. =)
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