Instrument panel Volt Reg

al streichea001 at
Mon Oct 28 21:02:27 PDT 2013

I use an adjustable voltage regulator, so after starting I get 14.35 v that
tapers down to 13.85 v. I like it high because I always have the AC on, the
electric fans going strong.

So yesterday I did some cable chasing.  I found that the lights are OK with
external power applied. I have good voltage up to the connector in the
trunk. So I had it isolated to the wiring from the inside conn. to the cable
in the trunk lid.

I first checked the outer cover on the cable, no cracks. I did notice the
the cable runs along the left side hinge, and has a slight bend. Bends are
troublesome, so I removed some of the outer covering and found four of the
five wires broken. I peeled more outer covering finding more cracks or
breaks in the cable. I stripped the cable about 5" in both directs.
I need to pick up some 20-22 wire and then I can solder the broken wires
back to normal, adding shrink sleeve before I start.

Hopefully I won't find any more but I won't hold my breath.

Mahalo again for your help.
1990 80 non-Q

-----Original Message----- 
From: Cody Forbes
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 4:30 PM
To: al
Cc: Quattro
Subject: Re: Instrument panel Volt Reg

I suspect that you have two unrelated things you are checking. What is the
battery voltage with the engine running?

On a 5000 the instrument cluster lights go out if you have a license plate
bulb out; they ran the ground through those bulbs. Get out your Bentley
wiring diagram and check for power and ground on the connectors for the
cluster lighting.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On Oct 26, 2013, at 8:46 PM, "al" <streichea001 at> wrote:

> Car: 1990 80 2.0 L
> Problem: Lost instrument lights
> Checked battery – 12.65 V
> Checked fuse – OK
> Pulled instr. panel
> Checked rheostat,  registered 0.0-20.5 ohms  looks good to me.
> Checked Voltage regulator, leads 1 – 2(Gnd), 11.75 V, should be battery
> voltage (12.65 V). I wonder why this reading is low.
> Checked VR output , leads 3 –2 (Gnd), 10.00 V should be 9.50 – 10.50 V
> I am going to start tracing the wiring.
> Any ideas?
> Aloha.
> Al
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