Farewell DA900463...

Keith Lloyd spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 28 14:36:20 PDT 2013

Hi Louis-Alain
Glad your last drive was a pleasantly memorable one. Sad that you and your urq are parting after all that time. Thank's for all the helpful advice and suggestions you've provided me with over the years (i've owned my WR for 12 years too)
Good luck my friend

'87 WR in what has been a sunny Worcestershire today

Sent from my iPhone

> On 28 Sep 2013, at 22:29, laraa at sympatico.ca wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> After 12 years spent together, this afternoon was my last ride in my beloved
> Quattro. She's now awaiting a complete paint job, which is handy since her
> new owner is a body shop owner, and an Audi fan.  
> It will be a lost, I guess. I've met most of my actual friends because of
> that car, I've been to numerous meets because of it, and I've learned how to
> use the power of internet to find parts, advices, and stories. However, she
> was a bit "high maintenance", parts were scarce and sometimes expensive, and
> for the last year, she didn't move much. 
> But that last ride was perfect : sunny afternoon, clear and sweeping roads,
> the marvelous 5 cylinder growling and the turbo whistling.
> Boy, was it fun to ride with you all those kilometers.
> Goodbye DA900463. 
> Louis-Alain
> Montreal, QC
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