200 000 mile club

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sun Apr 27 17:01:11 PDT 2014

Both of my current daily driven 5ktq's are well over 200k with broken odometers. 

My white one shows 172,000 as it has since the late 90's where the service records start (I've had it for about 5 years). I obviously can't state the current mileage with any certainty, but my "280+" should be a conservative figure given that I know it never sat unused and I've taken quite a few trips in it where it's had 800 mile days. I wouldn't be surprised if it was really closer to 350,000.

My black cars odometer is at 190k, again since the 90's. I've had this one since 2003. It's had a few instances where its been down for long periods during engine builds, but has been my preferred daily driver and for the last 8 years. That's meant at least 50 miles per day so, including down time, that should be at least 80k which would put that car in the 300k range too when you factor in 3 years of less daily mileage and a few cross country trips.

If I ever fix the odometers I'll probably set each to 300k as a good restarting point. There really aren't any cars made that I would like to daily drive more than my 5000's that I could afford so I intend to keep upgrading them and maybe I can get the pair to a combined 1,000,000 miles some day. The white car needs A/C, euro lights, and new seats to keep Leah happy driving it though ;-).

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On Apr 27, 2014, at 3:53 PM, "rob" <rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> Ok, I just had to do a quick collate. Peter Elias is in the Top spot with
> 339k miles - quite an achievement, next comes Vittorio (surname?) with 309k
> miles on his S6, now we dip under the magic 300 for Codys Beater with
> "280+", then in 4th place Peter Golledges parts car on 275, then Andrew Buc
> at 256 and now that is all for the 250up class.
> Moving sub 250 and in 6th place is Peter Golledges sons 200tq on a healthy
> 245+, then vittorio again in his 95.5 Av at 216, now at 8th Place Peter
> Golledge with 215k  s6, then myself at 212k 100Av. Taking 10 and 11 spot is
> Marco Weibel on 200 and <200 for his 84CGT.
> Wooden spoons to my 87cgt at 105 and 'Gerard' with his 109k 5000.
> So it looks like 200 000 is a great achievement but not uncommon. 300 plus
> is champion form. 100k is just run in!
> Any other takers out there? I reckon the top two spots are safe.
> Cheers Rob.
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