Oily stuff - 5W20

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Wed Dec 3 14:51:05 PST 2014

big, huge topic that i won’t get into.

But keep in mind - as temperatures fall, a “thinner” oil acts like a thicker one.  Each in fact has a temperature-viscoity curve.

If, due to the cold weather you have, and your use, oil never gets above X degrees, and at that temp it has sufficient viscosity, then it might be fine.

Also, different motors are designed for different viscosities - Hondas want 0w20 most places, i believe.

Some of this is for fuel economy, by the way.

Overall, i would not use a Xw20 in an older (or most modern) audis.  Especially not one with a turbo, who’s oil return line could clog, or where oil sitting in the hot bearing could eventually coke.

On Dec 3, 2014, at 5:32 PM, Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at gmail.com> wrote:

> To keep list traffic going, here's a general question. Anyone with
> thoughts, experience, etc. re: this oil? Isn't it too narrow a temp. range,
> esp. for the Graet White North? I don't, nor intend to use it, just
> curious, since it's taking over the shelves at FLAPS.
> Tihol
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