Oily stuff - 5W20

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Thu Dec 4 05:33:34 PST 2014

Porsche uses 5w40 as the factory fill and the Porsche A40 spec requires that any oil used in a modern porsche motor (M96, 9A1) meet both a “40” hot viscosity range and ACEA A3/B4 for high temperature, high speed shear - which correlates very well with 40 wt.

On Dec 3, 2014, at 11:46 PM, John Larson <viejoloco at comcast.net> wrote:

> On 12/3/2014 2:32 PM, Tihol Tiholov wrote:
>> To keep list traffic going, here's a general question. Anyone with
>> thoughts, experience, etc. re: this oil? Isn't it too narrow a temp. range,
>> esp. for the Graet White North? I don't, nor intend to use it, just
>> curious, since it's taking over the shelves at FLAPS.
>> Tihol
> It's important to remember that modern "thin" oils are required for use in modern engines.  Tolerances are tighter, oil passages are smaller, and the engines are designed to utilize thinner oils to aid in fuel economy.  Older designs, such as all the I5 engines and nearly all their contemporaries don't do well with thinner oils because the passages are relatively large and clearances are loose. The results of using oils made for the newer designs are lowered oil pressure, and most likely increased oil consumption.  Porsche, as well as Mercedes, use 0w20 as a factory fill.  Scary, huh? Knowledgeable techs and shops put 5w20 in 'em ...
> John
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