Radiator repair
Grant Lenahan
glenahan at vfemail.net
Wed Feb 12 10:09:38 PST 2014
I think the first step is to determine the cause of the leak - specifically is it a bond that is failing, or a crack/break, and if so, in plastic or in the metal (due to corrosion or fatigue). Once you know that you have a better answer….
If its just a leak where the two parts go together, it may be possible to dis-assemble and put in a sealant or high temp glue. If its a crack, its more complex, or so I would guess
On Feb 12, 2014, at 1:06 PM, Radek <radek at uniserve.com> wrote:
> Hello all;
> The radiator in my 1988 909Q (OEM Behr, plastic ends, aluminum core) started to leak at the top, where the joint between plastic and aluminum is. Has anyone successfully repaired this kind of radiator (JB Weld, glue, solder)?
> Freezing temperatures outside make a quick fix preferable. Perhaps one of those stop-leak bottles would work?
> Thanks.
> Radek.
> 88 90Q
> 91 V8Q 5-sp
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