CGT revival

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Tue Feb 25 19:07:02 PST 2014

Been farting around with this and finally have the fuel pump off the car,
the check valve removed and the pump is spinning. With the check valve
removed from the pump, fuel poured into the inlet flows out of the outlet
freely. With the check valve installed, no flow occurs whether static or
with pump running. I soaked the check valve in some solvent and poked at it
and the internals moved, but I'm still not sure if I understand this fully,
though it seems it should be pretty straightforward.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Cody Forbes
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 7:34 AM
To: Ed Kellock
Cc: <quattro at>
Subject: Re: CGT revival

Soak in carburetor cleaner overnight (at least) then try pulsing power to it
in both correct and reverse polarity. DO SO WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER VERY
HANDY. I've set one on fire this way before and the old fuel tar goo stuff
burns quite well (although in a slow, docile way).

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On Feb 19, 2014, at 7:56 PM, "Ed Kellock" <ed.kellock at> wrote:

> After about 4.5 years, I have finally gotten a new timing belt on my 
> CGT. I had ordered everything for a timing belt job, but the belt and 
> water pump I received were the newer style, rounded tooth type. I 
> replace the idler pully and the two oil seals but am using the 
> previous water pump with a new belt..
> Anyway, upon first cranking to start, it did fire up very briefly. 
> However, it seems the fuel pump is locked up. I would like to avoid 
> replacing it, although it is the original, but a new one is between 
> 100 and 200 bucks. A bit dear for me at the moment, but not out of the 
> question. I've beat on it with a heavy wrench and reversed the wires 
> to try to break it free, but so far, no buzz. Just wondering if anyone 
> has any other ideas regarding reviving it.  Thanks!
> Ed
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