[V8] 2002 A6Q avant?

Scott DeWitt scotty at advancedautomotion.com
Sun Jan 19 16:23:33 PST 2014

Maybe 10-15 a year for the 1.8, 2.8, and 3.0. (all use the same trans).


On Sun, January 19, 2014 6:20 pm, Grant Lenahan wrote:
> yea, but that’s the 2.7t - the torquey turbo, possibly many of them
> I’m talking 3.slow or 2.late. neither has enough torque to injure
themselves :-)
> Grant
> On Jan 19, 2014, at 7:18 PM, Scott DeWitt
<scotty at advancedautomotion.com> wrote:
>> I sell maybe 30 torque converters a year for the 2.7.
>> Scott
>> On Sun, January 19, 2014 6:16 pm, Grant Lenahan wrote:
>>> So, i never heard about TC issues on the V6 cars, but scott apparently
>>> As to the 3.0.  1) more complex to work on 2) significantly more wear on
>>> valve train - cams are actually known to wear through (they are hollow in
>>> places from what i hear) 3) some issues associated with aluminum blocks.
>>> At minimum check the valve train for wear and ensure a good service
history - lots of oil changes.
>>> G
>>> On Jan 19, 2014, at 7:09 PM, Scott DeWitt
>>> <scotty at advancedautomotion.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> 5hp19 was used behind the V6 cars. Lots of issues with torque converters
>>>> as well as the 5hp24 in the 4.2 cars (note 4.2 allroad was 5hp19 as
>>>> 3.0 engine was used in 2002 up.
>>>> Scott
>>>> On Sun, January 19, 2014 5:25 pm, Grant Lenahan wrote:
>>>>> Find out if that’s the 3.0 motor (bad) or 2.8L (slower, but more
>>>>> easier to work on)
>>>>> I know nothing about the tranny you refer to. I thought they were
all ZF
>>>>> 5HP18 or 19As.
>>>>> The 4.2s had some issues with torque converters, but those are the
>>>>> TB jobs depends on which motor you have. Figure $500-800 depending.
Procedure in bentley (full, not sure if its in the paper service
>>>>> Grant
>>>>> On Jan 19, 2014, at 6:10 PM, Mike Arman <Armanmik at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Looking at a 2002 A6Q wagon, 120K on it, superficially in good
condition, guy is asking $3,500.
>>>>>> Questions - is this the "one year only" automatic transmission
which should be avoided (and is that even correct?)
>>>>>> What's the parts cost of a timing belt job (I can scare up the tools)
>>>>>> and is the procedure online anywhere?
>>>>>> Any other bogeymen lurking in the woodwork beyond the normal
>>>>>> gremlins?
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Mike Arman
>>>>>> 90V8Q and making eyes at another Audi . . . I guess I just don't learn
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> . .
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>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Scott DeWitt
>>>> Advanced Automotion
>>>> Ph:  720.4.GEARS.1 (720.443.2771)
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>> Thanks!
>> Scott DeWitt
>> Advanced Automotion
>> Ph:  720.4.GEARS.1 (720.443.2771)
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Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
Ph:  720.4.GEARS.1 (720.443.2771)
Fax: 361.288.8030
Any price quoted in this email is valid for 15 days, and subject to
Shipping, Return, and Warranty policies

Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
Ph:  720.4.GEARS.1 (720.443.2771)
Fax: 361.288.8030
Any price quoted in this email is valid for 15 days, and subject to
Shipping, Return, and Warranty policies

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