1992 S4 steering wheel

suffolkd at aol.com suffolkd at aol.com
Mon Jul 7 21:44:31 PDT 2014

Buddy looking for one, but he says he has NO airbag?

- Scott by BOSTON

> On Jul 7, 2014, at 3:00 PM, quattro-request at audifans.com wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>   1. R12 AC systems (Peter Elias)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2014 14:24:28 -0500
> From: "Peter Elias" <peter at pcelias.com>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: R12 AC systems
> Message-ID: <73EF2EA0FEF84D8DAFF6E0E46A220647 at DellXPS>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="utf-8"
> I now have 2x 1990 Audi’s:  a 100 Sedan (front wheel) and a Coupe Quattro 
> The 100 still has an R12 system, and I was heavily advised (by my local import car specialist repair shop) AGAINST a conversion to R134 (saying that the Audi’s AC system couldn’t handle it...).  Needless to say, after a rebuilt compressor and some hoses, it’s blowing out nice and cool on R12.  Oh yeah, and this car has 340,700 miles on it...
> On the other hand, I just bought a Coupe Quattro (with only 65,700 miles; yup, only 2,600 miles per year for 25 years!).  You can see it here:  http://audiphilately.webs.com/myaudi.htm .  From what I know and have been told, this is probably the lowest mileage Coupe Quattro in the country (and that’s actually been driven regularly).
> When I bought Coupe Quattro, the AC was barely kicking in and I was sweating up a storm after just a few miles driving in the humid Chicago area (and I didn’t relish the thought of driving this car back to Texas without AC!).  
> The previous owner (from Wisconsin) told me:  “oh, I think I used the AC once last year... and I usually use the “Econ” setting [which is just the fan]”... Well, here in Texas, we use AC practically year-round!
> I took the car to a repair shop in the Chicago area, stating that it was an R12 system.  When I got there, they said it had already been to converted to R134 !   After evacuating the 1/2 lb of R134, doing a vacuum check, adding some dye and  compressor oil along with 1.75 lbs of R134, it’s now blowing icycles...  (well, according to my thermometer stuck in the vent, it goes down to about 34 degrees!; and that’s after owning the car for 3 weeks now)...  ...and that 1,100 mile back to Dallas was “cool” joy (since outside temp’s were basically 95°F the entire way...)!
> So, moral of the story?  Who knows... I’m not sure what exactly was done to the Coupe as part of its R134 conversion, but it seems to handle it well (and even if it does leak a bit over time, at least I can legally buy and use R134), but I think I’ll just leave the old 100 with it’s R12 system....
> Peter
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> End of quattro Digest, Vol 129, Issue 11
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