The right schmutz for crank pulley bolt?
Fred Munro
munrof at
Fri Jul 18 09:22:14 PDT 2014
Loctite is a corrosion inhibitor in the sense that it seals the treads and prevents the entry of moisture. Over the years I've found it as effective as products like Neverseize at ensuring fasteners can be easily removed after exposure to salt-laden winter environments. I use either as a corrosion inhibitor on fasteners depending on the application - if it's a fastener I'm likely to remove frequently I'll use a lubricant-based antiseize, if it's a fastener that will stay put for a while I tend to use Loctite.
Fred Munro
'97 S6
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of DeWitt Harrison
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:46 PM
To: Quattro List
Subject: The right schmutz for crank pulley bolt?
The trouble with changing out the timing belt infrequently -- mmmm, every 8 years like clockwork -- is that one forgets some details. I'm ready to install the crank pulley bolt for the new belt but have been brought up short by confusing info in my Type 44's factory manual. The gas engine, i.e. the MC engine, assembly instructions say to coat the bolt threads with "corrosion inhibitor AMV 188 011 02" on one page and "corrosion inhibitor AMV 188 000" on another. No direct google hits on either number but other "AMV 188 ..." products were found, mostly liquid gasket kinds of things.
Then, for the diesel motor, the same bolt (and same torque), the threads are to be coated with Loctite 573 which turns out to be one of their "green," low strength thread lockers. Could the Loctite 573 act as a corrosion inhibitor?
Anyway, what do you timing belt changers out there like to do in this situation? Thanks for any thoughts.
Incidentally, the old timing belt, having maybe a few hundred miles on it in spite of its advanced age, seemed to be in very good condition to my hand and eye. Seemingly as flexible as the new one and no cracking or wear that I could discern. The alternator belt was a different story.
DeWitt Harrison
'88 5kcs
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