
Britt Crowell britt at brittcrowell.com
Wed Dec 30 22:20:46 PST 2015

I totally know the feeling Cody.
Got my A8 stuck in a blizzard in OK making the drive from CO to AL one winter.
It was bad visibility and I had a trucker running up my ass and another oncoming one that was way too close to our side of the road. I was already driving slow and moved over to the right as much as I could. When I felt the tires leave the pavement I stopped immediately. I tried to back up with nothing but slipping, tried to slowly pull forward with not much luck either. After a few tries of that I just went back in to my 4 wheeling mind set. When In Doubt Go Balls Out! 
Which promptly slid me down the rest of the side of the shoulder where I spent the rest of the blizzard.
Tried to just sleep in the car, but it was hard with the bright blinking lights from the other semi, it was high centered in the middle of the very small median. The Cimarron Parkway in OK. To add insult to injury, once I got out, the ruts in the road were so packed with ice and snow it knocked out my center bumper grill and crack the bumper some too :-(
One of the old 5KTQs wouldn’t have had that problem.

I got my jeep stuck in a dirt pile at a construction site close to my house once screwing around, just walked home, got the 5KTQ and pulled it out, that was a Grand Cherokee V8.

Hope the wife is ok!


PS don’t you owe me some cd/dvds?

Today I stayed home from work to take my better half to a doctors appointment. It's been pouring rain here for a day or so (minor flooding in some areas even), and this morning was some of the worst. I decided to be nice and turn the A8q around so she wouldn't have to walk around to the passenger side in the rain. I drove down the slight hill into the back yard... And promptly got completely and utterly stuck in the mud. 

I then sprinted to my 5ktq, which was parked  in the back yard anyways, and simply drove around the A8, up a much steeper hill, and out to the driveway. TORSEN for the loss.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

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