94 S4 Won't Start
b1biker at aol.com
b1biker at aol.com
Fri Jan 23 06:14:28 PST 2015
Grant, there were no indications of impending fuel pump failure; i.e. noise, poor performance, lack of top end, etc. that I have experienced in the past with fuel pump issues. I'm inclined to think that it is the fuel pump relay; thus my concerns about the LED tester and any possible substitution for it. I'm assuming that no power to the fuel pump indicates a bad relay. As for the gas I don't see how it could start at -5 and then fail to start at 25. Plus the gas in the tank is 10% ethanol.
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Lenahan <glenahan at vfemail.net>
To: b1biker <b1biker at aol.com>
Cc: AudiFans (Qlist) S4 Qlist <quattro at audifans.com>; s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Fri, Jan 23, 2015 7:04 am
Subject: Re: 94 S4 Won't Start
Was there any sign of the fuel pump failing? typically noise?
What about water in the fuel, which then froze n the low temps?
it seems to me any voltmeter to across the fuel pump leads tells you if you have
power. Only if neg must you isolate the relay.
Hope the powder was good
On Jan 22, 2015, at 10:34 PM, b1biker at aol.com wrote:
> Here's the story. Car started this morning at -5. I drove to the ski area
where the car sat for about 7 hours; when I attempted to start it at the end of
the day it fired but would not respond to throttle inputs and after about 30
seconds it died. After setting for about 10 minutes I again attempted to start
the engine with the same results. At this point I disconnected the fuel line
from the tank at the fuel filter and cranked the engine; there was no fuel flow.
I'm assuming that the problem is either the fuel pump or the fuel pump relay.
Bentley says that I need LED tester US 1115 to check the fuel pump relay and
other associated components of the fuel delivery system. I would appreciate any
thoughts as to the cause of the problem and how to go about diagnosis. Help will
be greatly appreciated.
> Gary L. Meier
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