Audi 4000 Quattro still problems with windows
David Vanden
dvanden46 at
Sat Jul 25 21:06:12 PDT 2015
I need the expansion tank for a 1987 Audi 4000 Quattro and a radiator
cooling fan that is in good shape. Does anyone have any suggestion?
David Vanden
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Jan Pinkowish <jpinkowish at>
> As Huw indicates, you are looking for the thermofuse that protects the
> windows and sunroof.
> It is a small rectangular silver can measuring 1/4 x 5/8 x 7/8 and is
> located right on top of one of the relays in the auxillary relay panel.
> Gently bend aside the the plastic safety holding in the fuse and remove the
> fuse.
> Part number is 443 937 105. It is a 20amp 12v fuse. A bijillion Audi/VW
> cars use it, so should be available from the dealer for about $10.
> Either the fuse itself is borked and opening after 20-30 sec, or something
> is causing the fuse to open.
> I would first replace the fuse. If problem not solved, then you can
> follow Huw's troubleshooting advice.
> BTW, the power window wiring diagrams for '87 4kq are on Bentley 97.287 --
> 288. The thermofuse is designated "S43" on pg. 287. Pages 97.266 -- 268
> give you relay layouts, list current tracks for major components, and tell
> you the locations of connectors and grounding points. Too bad it doesn't
> mention where to find the thermofuse.
> HTH.
> Jan Pinkowish
> '85 4ksq
> --------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 02:16:00 +0000
> From: <dvanden46 at>
> Subject: Audi 4000 Quattro still problems with windows
> Well I think I located the auxillary fuse relay panel (under the dash at
> the driver’s knees). I pulled out each relay and none of them shut off the
> windows for the first 20 seconds that they work. So I still have no idea
> what is affecting the power windows or where it is. I have a Bentley
> manual but I really don’t know how to read the wiring diagrams. I do not
> comprehend diagrams nearly as well as I do words. If anyone has any
> further advice, please let me know.
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 00:15:20 -0400
> From: Huw Powell <audi at>
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Re: Audi 4000 Quattro still problems with windows
> Read my description. You're not looking for a relay, it's a circuit
> breaker (maybe).
> You can also try pulling the window switch panel and disconnecting the
> switches one at a time to see if it isolates a problem window
> motor/circuit.
> At the throttle body end of the accel. cable. There a plastic bit with
> grooves around it and a metal clip that can be removed and put back on a
> different groove to take out the slack (they aren't threads). If there
> is still slack take it apart and add some washers or a plastic bushing.
> Try not to break the rusty old metal clip.
> - Huw
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