Running hot

Cody Forbes cody at
Mon Jun 1 20:15:58 PDT 2015

The small pumps from the non-turbo cars are quiet, but the 044/040 pumps are loud. Even the in-tank ones in a 5000 can be heard over the engine at idle. It's a seriously massive flowing pump, the highest flowing electric pump Bosch has ever made and higher flowing than many racing pumps; it's going to make some noise just due to the size and power plus the sheer volume of liquid flowing.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

> On Jun 1, 2015, at 10:29 PM, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> Weird.  I think what happened is I googled what you called it, and what turned up was a copy or knock-off of the Bosch unit.
> I wonder why it is so loud?  The stock pump in that car should be dead silent, or at least no louder than the lifters ;)
> - Huw
>> On 6/1/2015 10:04 PM, David Vanden wrote:
>> It isn't a copy.  It is a real Bosch!  It came in A Bosch Box and it
>> says Bosch right on it.  I don't know where the assumption came from
>> that I was using a copy.
>> My only caveat with it is its noise level.  Which makes me wonder
>> whether I should drop another fifty bucks at some point when cash flow
>> is better,on a silicone "silencer cradle". I wonder if they really work
>> and whether they could cause it to overheat, being a relatively new and
>> untested concept.  Anyway, that is enough for tonight.  My mind can only
>> absorb so much information.
>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 9:58 PM, Cody Forbes <cody at
>> <mailto:cody at>> wrote:
>>    I did, you musta missed it much like I missed it being a copy rather
>>    than a real Bosch 044 which is what I thought he said ;-).
>>    I'm 100% certain without a doubt that a real Bosch 044/040 is CIS
>>    capable and that it is undoubtedly the stock pump in a 5000 Turbo.
>>    At EFI pressures (lower than CIS, therefore more flow) I'm still
>>    using the stock Bosch 040 (in tank) pump to exceed 600hp. The only
>>    question on his at this point is how good of a copy it is I suppose.
>>    -Cody Forbes (mobile)
>>     > On Jun 1, 2015, at 9:37 PM, Huw Powell <audi at
>>    <mailto:audi at>> wrote:
>>     >
>>     > Ah, Cody, why didn't you correct me before I said that twice?
>>     >
>>     > Are you sure about the pump he bought, though?  I saw nothing
>>    about 120 PSI in the description.  Keep in mind it was not a Bosch,
>>    but a copy, IIRC.  The highest pressure mentioned was 5 bar.
>>     >
>>     > I'm pretty sure they also use a power resistor to make the low
>>    speed, but the ones on the small cars don't have a reputation for
>>    burning out.  That said, there's no harm in testing it.
>>     >
>>     > - Huw
>>     >
>>     >> On 6/1/2015 9:08 PM, Cody Forbes wrote:
>>     >> I assure you Huw ol pal that the 044 pump is indeed proper for
>>    any CIS car. There's the 040 and the 044, one being the in tank
>>    version and one being the external version. They are identical in
>>    specification and rated to flow at pressures exceeding CIS system
>>    pressures. Again, the in tank version is the OE pump on a 5000
>>    Turbo. A fuel pump is a fuel pump as long as it will flow enough
>>    fuel at high enough pressure to let the pressure regulator do its
>>    job. Flow rate is inversely proportionate to pressure (as pressure
>>    goes up, flow rate goes down) so you've got to be sure it can flow
>>    enough at 120psi for CIS and the 044 pump absolutely, unequivocally,
>>    unquestionably, can.
>>     >>
>>     >>
>>     >> On the fan noise:
>>     >> Do these have the same big cooling fan resistor as the 5000's? I
>>    know on the 5000's the resistor burns out on low speed and you end
>>    up with only high speed which is very loud. Also on the 5000's there
>>    are different fan options with 3, 4, and 5 blades. The more blades
>>    the quieter the fan at similar flow rates. Perhaps the small chassis
>>    cars also have different blade quantity options to look in to?
>>     >>
>>     >> -Cody Forbes (mobile)
>>     >>
>>     >>> On Jun 1, 2015, at 8:41 PM, Huw Powell <audi at
>>    <mailto:audi at>> wrote:
>>     >>>
>>     >>> You might want to test your radiator fan sender doohickey (if
>>    that's what you mean by "new temperature sensor then you're all set).
>>     >>>
>>     >>> It's a two-speed fan, and "high" is pretty loud.  "Low" is not
>>    so bad, but if the sender is partly bad you might have high only.
>>    That makes it louder, and also a bit hotter before it comes on.
>>     >>>
>>     >>> The fan should almost never come on while you are moving, but
>>    idling on an 80F+ day it will cycle on and off every couple of minutes.
>>     >>>
>>     >>> I'm wary of your concept of "superior", since you already put
>>    the wrong fuel pump in your car...
>>     >>>
>>     >>>> On 6/1/2015 8:23 PM, David Vanden wrote:
>>     >>>> It hasn't overheated.  I refuse to drive it until I at least
>>    get the
>>     >>>> radiator cleaned and install the new temperature sensor.  I
>>    removed the
>>     >>>> radiator from the car.  It seems to have a lot of gook inside.
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>> I just liked the idea of a superior radiator because I get
>>    annoyed with
>>     >>>> it not running cooler and with the cooling fan coming on so
>>    frequently.
>>     >>>> I figured if there was a way to quiet the cooling fan and not
>>    be so
>>     >>>> reliant on it it would be cool
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 8:01 PM, Huw Powell
>>    <audi at <mailto:audi at>
>>     >>>> <mailto:audi at
>>    <mailto:audi at>>> wrote:
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>    This Nissen's:
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>    is what people have been using "forever".  Direct fit, but does
>>     >>>>    require a "universal" corrugated top hose since for some
>>    reason the
>>     >>>>    hose nipple is a couple of inches further from the engine.
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>    I cut two original hoses and joined them with a stainless steel
>>     >>>>    barbed fitting, but that's not necessary, it was just fun
>>    to do.
>>     >>>>    And cheaper.
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>    I don't know if people have used the other radiator shown
>>    there.
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>    Has your car overheated yet?
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>    - Huw
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>    On 6/1/2015 6:26 PM, David Vanden wrote:
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>        This question may be perhaps rhetorical but did anyone
>>    install a
>>     >>>>        Flex A
>>     >>>>        Lite universal fit radiator, see significant
>>    improvement, and do
>>     >>>>        so without
>>     >>>>        spending a lot of money on mounting hardware?
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>        On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 11:57 PM, Andrew Buc
>>    <abuc at <mailto:abuc at>
>>     >>>>        <mailto:abuc at
>>    <mailto:abuc at>>> wrote:
>>     >>>>
>>     >>>>            Your 4kq is old enough that the odds are pretty good it
>>     >>>>            needs a new
>>     >>>>            radiator. I had the radiator on my ’87 4kq replaced
>>    2 or 3
>>     >>>>            years ago. In my
>>     >>>>            case, the issue was coolant loss, not overheating
>>    (I started
>>     >>>>            carrying jugs
>>     >>>>            of coolant in the trunk and topping up as needed),
>>    but still.
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