Fan Blade

Huw Powell audi at
Thu Jun 18 15:52:18 PDT 2015

Ah, ok.

I doubt you'll be able to separate the fan from the motor.

I once damaged the fan on my Coupe and tried to swap on a parts car fan, 
in vain.  I removed the clip that secures it, and tried everything short 
of breaking it to get the fan off the shaft.

Then I think I realized that the parts car motor fit the Coupe 
shroud/mount and I spliced the wires or something to match the connector.

Keep in mind that if you molest the new broken one much, the claim might 
get denied.

In the real world, the seller should have already sent you your new 
replacement, packaged properly, and filed a claim with UPS.  The shipper 
always files the claim and gets the reimbursement, if any.

And the seller should stand behind not only their product but their 
shipping department.

Who did you buy it from?

Best of luck,


On 6/18/2015 6:45 PM, David Vanden wrote:
> Yes, have done that.  UPS is as slow at doing that as it is careless.  I
> wanted to have a car in the meantime.
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Huw Powell <audi at
> <mailto:audi at>> wrote:
>     I do have to ask, what about a shipping damage claim and replacement?
>     - Huw
>     On 6/15/2015 7:17 PM, dvanden46 at
>     <mailto:dvanden46 at> wrote:
>         I ordered a cooling fan.  UPS broke three of the blades off in
>         delivery.  I still have the old fan blade.  There isn’t any
>         trick to detaching the blade is there?  This is in reference to
>         an 87 4000 Quattro.  I tried removing the old fan blade from the
>         motor and it would not budge.
>         David
>         Sent from Windows Mail
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