'87 4kq exhaust system

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sun May 3 10:41:29 PDT 2015

Coathanger wire to protect what's left until your DD is back. If you're using an Audi for DD,  you need a backup. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 3, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Andrew Buc <abuc at andrewbuc.com> wrote:
> My 4kq hasn’t been my daily driver for several months, and the plan has been to sell it when I get around to it. However, I just took the daily driver into the shop on Friday, and it could be there for a couple of days, depending how fast they can get the parts. And then …
> The 4kq developed an exhaust leak yesterday, and I took it to an exhaust shop. Turns out the exhaust is pretty well rusted out, and the hangers are shot. The exhaust pipe has been riding on top of the halfshaft, which has worn a hole in it. They threw out a price to replace the exhaust. Given my plans for the car, I’m leaning against doing that. Even if I did want to replace the exhaust, there’d be the issue of waiting for the parts to come in.
> The question is, is anything really ugly likely to happen? I can tolerate the noise for a few days. As I said when I threw out the question of a new daily driver a few months ago, I live 25 miles from my job. This isn’t doing anything for the car’s resale value, but I wasn’t expecting to make a killing on it anyway. Thanks.
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