Changing Belts / Ordering from Worldpac

Cody Forbes cody at
Sun May 10 15:37:42 PDT 2015

Carquest owns WorldPac do they share resources. I'd heard recently that Advanced bought out the parent Carquest/WorldPac company group and will have access to WorldPac parts as well.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

> On May 9, 2015, at 8:55 PM, <cobram at> <cobram at> wrote:
> Have you tried Advance Auto  Parts or Carquest?  
> I think they are both distributors for Worldpac.  The local Advance Auto
> Parts got me a wasserpump for the Mercyless Benz, there was a Geba pump
> in the "Carquest" box.
> So far they've had everything WorldPac has, but I've only used them on
> the weekends when I really needed a part that missed my friends shop
> delivery cutoff.  
> I suspect the local WorldPac will deliver to Advance or Carquest anytime
> they need something during business hours.
> Worth a try.
> Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
> On Sat, 9 May 2015 19:53:42 -0400 "mboucher70"
> <mboucher70 at> writes:
>> Last summer, in response to this post, it was suggested that Worldpac 
>> lists 
>> a slightly longer A/C belt which would make the fitting a bit 
>> easier.  Below 
>> its stated "Worldpac lists the 9x125 as an option.  I'd use it."  by 
>> which I 
>> guess it was meant a 13x925 belt.
>> Question I had is how to go about getting a belt like that?  
>> Worldpac only 
>> sells to companies.  Are there online options?
>> Can car parts (Napa, CanadianTire) search for belts via length?  I 
>> went to 
>> the latter and they didn't list the 925 belt for a 1990 Audi so they 
>> couldn't help me.  Maybe if I'd tried "get me a belt that's 13x925, 
>> I don't 
>> care if its listed for a Ford".
>> Alternatively is there a site online that I can use to search for 
>> belts by 
>> length?
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