Oxygen Sensor

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Tue May 26 11:54:43 PDT 2015

Short term, for testing or diagnosing, it will run.

Startup will be normal, but when the engine gets to operating 
temperature, the computer won't be able to manage the mixture properly.

Run without it for any length of time - like leaving home - can do very 
bad things to the catalytic converter.  Fuel economy will also suffer.

So first test if the OXS is working.  Then if it isn't, replace it. 
Yes, I know, if this is a 4kq, it is *very* hard to get to, and it will 
be rust-welded in place.

This might help:


- Huw

On 5/26/2015 11:17 AM, dvanden46 at gmail.com wrote:
> Has anyone noticed if it is detrimental to the car or if the car runs worse with the oxygen sensor disconnected?  This is for the CIS E system.
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