quattro Digest, Vol 145, Issue 3 - spammer

Peter Elias peter at pcelias.com
Tue Nov 3 12:02:58 PST 2015

Can someone see about that "zebuole at aol.com" member of this group?  Sending 
messages with just links to some website is usually indicative of someone 
whose email account got compromised by some spammer..

   2. sh(3): (zebuole at aol.com)
   3. xg: (zebuole at aol.com)


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 18:28:37 -0500
From: zebuole at aol.com
To: falcon438 at aol.com, quattro at audifans.com, megz4evr at yahoo.com,
andypbass at hotmail.com, BARRET.GERMAIN at purchase.edu,
beth_finley37 at yahoo.com.ar, CDOCLAF at omh.state.ny.us,
david at denttips.com, jlholt at holtdesign.com
Subject: sh(3):
Message-ID: <150ca87ed51-5dd-15b91 at webprd-m40.mail.aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8



Message: 3
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 03:00:14 -0500
From: zebuole at aol.com
To: falcon438 at aol.com, quattro at audifans.com, megz4evr at yahoo.com,
andypbass at hotmail.com, BARRET.GERMAIN at purchase.edu,
beth_finley37 at yahoo.com.ar, CDOCLAF at omh.state.ny.us,
david at denttips.com, jlholt at holtdesign.com
Subject: xg:
Message-ID: <150cc5c541d-cea-163d3 at webprd-a51.mail.aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


Happy will they be who len d ear to the wor ds of the  dea d.
Jayna Thede


Subject: Digest Footer

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quattro at audifans.com


End of quattro Digest, Vol 145, Issue 3

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